Author: craneinspector

Harbor Crane Inspection and Valuation

Who can inspect and evaluate used harbour cranes?

MEVAS has been a recognised expert for used cranes of various types for many years. Damage reports are prepared for mobile cranes or lattice boom cranes. The core area is the inspection and determination of the technical condition of cranes. In addition to this technical inspection, there is also very often the requirement to determine the value of used cranes. Harbor Crane inspection is part of our service. These appraisals are often necessary for crane buyers in order to enable financing by the bank or leasing company. For this reason, we also regularly prepare expertises on the current value of cranes.

If you need an inspection or valuation of harbour cranes contact us today. As we often deal with large machines, we know what the depreciation of such machines looks like. We know about transport, dismantling and assembly of larger equipment costs. We therefore also feel able to determine the value of harbour cranes.

Fair values for internal sales of harbour cranes

In the world’s harbours, the operators of mobile equipment and handling machines change regularly. However, it is often the case that a harbour crane spends a large part of its life in the same port. This has to do with the fact that dismantling, shipping and assembly at a new location incur dramatically high costs. These costs often exceed the current value of the machine. Harbour cranes can reach very high hourly levels. For this reason, it is often the case that the new operator tries to continue using the existing equipment and purchase or rent it. To avoid disputes, or at the request of the bank, it is often necessary to have an independent valuation of harbour cranes carried out. This should be carried out by persons who have no interest in buying or selling such equipment. We at MEVAS have the expertise and personnel to undertake such work. We are not afraid of big iron and have already inspected and assessed various harbour cranes.

Where does MEVAS inspect harbor cranes?

Harbour cranes can be found in every port in the world. It’s the same with our inspection service: MEVAS inspects machines for customers all over the world and we also travel everywhere for inspections. We have local inspectors in 22 countries. We also have excellent networks to find local technicians in other countries. For important jobs, the team from Germany personally travels to the harbour to inspect and assess cranes and large handling machines. Please contact us with an enquiry and we will answer you in a short time whether we feel able to inspect cranes at your location. If we have no idea about the specific technology in your operation, we will tell you and not accept the order.

What is a harbour crane and what is it mainly used for?

A harbour crane, also known as a port crane or ship-to-shore (STS) crane, is a specialized, large crane used in ports and harbors for the loading and unloading of cargo ships. These cranes are essential for moving containers and other heavy cargo efficiently between ships and the dock, supporting global trade and transportation.

Key Features of Harbour Cranes

  1. Size and Reach: Harbour cranes are very tall, often towering over ships, with a long boom that can extend over the width of large cargo vessels.
  2. Lifting Capacity: They are designed to lift heavy loads, often capable of handling containers weighing 20–40 tons, with some able to lift up to 100 tons or more.
  3. Mobility: Some harbour cranes are fixed in place, while others are mounted on rails or tires to move along the port’s length.

Types of Harbour Cranes

  • Ship-to-Shore (STS) Cranes: Used for loading and unloading containers from container ships.
  • Mobile Harbour Cranes: Versatile cranes that can move around the port and handle various types of cargo.
  • Floating Cranes: Mounted on barges for use in deeper water where fixed cranes cannot reach.

Main Uses of Harbour Cranes

  1. Container Handling: Most modern harbour cranes are designed primarily for lifting and placing containers.
  2. Bulk Cargo Handling: For unloading bulk goods like coal, grain, or minerals.
  3. Heavy Cargo Lifting: Used to handle oversized or non-containerized cargo such as vehicles, heavy equipment, or parts for construction projects.

Wertgutachten für Mobilkrane, Raupenkrane und Teleskopkrane

Zeitwert von Kranen bestimmen lassen

Wir haben in den letzten Jahren diverse Krane von 60 to bis 750 to Hubkraft bewertet. Die Firma Enercon z.B., gehört zu unseren Kunden für Wertgutachten bei großen Raupenkranen. Da wir kein kommerzielles Interesse am Handel mit Kranen haben, jedoch regelmäßig mit Händlern bei der Begutachtung von Kranen für Käufer und Mieter interagieren, sind wir der geeignete Dienstleister für unabhängige und korrekte Analysen des Restwertes.

1. Identifikation des Kranes

Wir prüfen alle relevanten Angaben, wie Hersteller, Modell, Baujahr, Fahrgestellnummer und technische Spezifikationen, um eine eindeutige Identifikation der Maschine zu gewährleisten. Alle Informationen werden in einer speziellen Checkliste für Krane dokumentiert.

2. Zustandsbewertung

Eine gründliche Inspektion des Krans wird durchgeführt, wobei der aktuelle Zustand der Maschine in Betracht gezogen wird. Hierbei werden Faktoren wie Verschleiß, mechanische Integrität, Rost, eventuelle Unfallschäden und die Wartungshistorie sorgfältig bewertet. Zu diesem Zweck wird ein Kran in der Regel im Einsatz auf der Baustelle besichtigt.

3. Marktrecherche

Um einen umfassenden Überblick über den aktuellen Marktwert zu erhalten, führen wir mit Handelsunternehmen für Krane eine Marktanalyse durch. Hierbei werden vergleichbare Krane auf dem internationalen Markt berücksichtigt, um den Wert des begutachteten Krans zu kontextualisieren. Es gibt regional in den internationalen Märkten unterschiedliche Anforderungen in Bezug auf Hakenhöhen, Hubkraft und Transportfähigkeit.

4. Alter und Nutzung

Das Alter des Krans sowie seine bisherige Nutzung werden in die Bewertung einbezogen. Dabei wird berücksichtigt, dass ein älterer Kran mit geringer Nutzung unter Umständen einen höheren Wert haben kann als ein neuerer Kran mit intensiver Nutzung. Es erfolgt also zuerst eine kalkulatorische Ermittlung des Zeitwertes unter Beachtung der degressiven Abschreibung. Dann werden die wertbeeinflussenden Faktoren wie Betriebsstunden, Ausrüstung und Wartungszustand in die Bewertung einbezogen.

5. Technische Spezifikationen, Zubehör

Die technischen Spezifikationen des Krans, wie Tragfähigkeit, Reichweite, Hubhöhe und eventuelle Zusatzausstattung, werden akkurat erfasst und in die Bewertung integriert, um den Wert genau zu bestimmen. Es werden alle Komponenten wie Auslegerverlängerungen, Spitzen, besondere Ballastierungen und Abspannungen in die Bewertung einbezogen.

6. Wartung und Instandhaltung

Die Servicehistorie des Krans wird geprüft, um sicherzustellen, dass der Kran ordnungsgemäß gewartet wurde. Ein gut gewarteter Kran wird in der Regel höher bewertet als einer, bei dem die Wartung vernachlässigt wurde. Das Kran-Prüfbuch wird auf Aktualität und regelmäßige Einträge der wiederkehrenden Sachverständigen-Gutachten überprüft. Der Kran und dessen Historie werden auf Unfallschäden geprüft.

7. Magnetische Seilprüfung

Auf Anforderung können Kranseile mit einem Testgerät untersucht werden. Die zerstörungsfreie Prüfung (NDT) von Drahtseilen für Krane mit einem magnetischen Seilsensor, allgemein als Magnetflussprüfung (MFL) bezeichnet, ist eine weit verbreitete und effektive Methode zur Beurteilung des Zustands von Drahtseilen. Fragen Sie uns nach weiteren Einzelheiten.

Unsere Erfahrungen und unser Netzwerk

Die Qualifikation und Erfahrung des Gutachters in der Bewertung von Autokranen gewährleisteten die Genauigkeit und Objektivität des Gutachtens. Wir halten uns an die ethischen Voraussetzungen, welche an unabhängige Sachverständige gestellt werden. Wie oben beschrieben, haben wir kein kommerzielles Interesse am Handel mit Kranen. Bei Interesse können wir Sie jedoch, nach einem Gutachten, mit Händlern für gebrauchte Krane in Verbindung bringen.

Gutachten für Krane für den Verkauf nutzen

Unsere Checklisten für gebrauchte Krane werden auf Deutsch oder Englisch erstellt. Als Nutzer von Mobilkranen können Sie unsere Dokumentation des Zustandes auch für den Verkauf Ihrer überzähligen Maschinen nutzen. Wir inspizieren regelmäßig gebrauchte Krane für Käufer und unsere Berichte sind international anerkannt.

SGS Crane Inspections

A better service for used crane inspections

Are you looking for an inspector for a used crane? Did you come across or did you hear from SGS or TÜV? If you are looking for statutory or safety inspections for cranes SGS is a good solution. Well trained staff and available in many countries.

Does SGS understand used cranes?

There is a difference between inspection of a used crane for a buyer and a safety or statutory inspection. An inspector who is trained for Loler or OSHA inspections does not necessarily understand what a purchaser of a used crane wants. This is the situation when MEVAS comes on stage.

Demag Crane, Used machine inspected by MEVAS

Crane inspections by our experts

MEVAS inspectors understand, how to prepare a reasonable inspection report for buyers of used cranes. A detailed report focuses on machine details such as leaks, maintenance status, wear in ropes, wear on tires and other details which are influencing the remaining value of a crane. Our technicians know how to take reasonable pictures and videos. They crawl under the crane to search for cracks and leaks. Rust on chassis is estimated as well as condition of tool boxes, swing bearing and telescopic cylinder condition. Our engineers use a specific checklist for each type of crane. We have inspected mobile cranes up to 500 to lifting capacity and large crawler cranes for windmills.

Used Cranes for Sale

Where to find used mobile and ATT cranes

To find used mobile, crawler and all terrain cranes, you can try the following methods:

  1. Online Equipment Marketplaces: Visit online marketplaces that specialize in buying and selling used cranes. Websites like Crane Club, Crane Trader ( from America, in Europe, Plant & in the Middle East and Machineryzone often have listings for used cranes, including mobile and ATT models or crawler cranes. You can search for specific types of cranes, filter by location, lifting capacity, weight and compare prices.
  2. Equipment Auctions: Keep an eye out for local or online equipment auctions that feature construction machinery. Auctions can be a great place to find used cranes at competitive prices. Websites like Ritchie Bros. ( and Euro Auctions ( regularly hold auctions for used equipment, including cranes.
  3. Equipment Dealers: Contact construction equipment dealerships in your area. They may have used cranes available for sale or be able to source one for you. Dealer networks such as Adrighem (, Wittrock Trading ( and Liebherr ( often have a range of used cranes in their inventory.
  4. Online Forums and Groups: Join online forums or groups dedicated to the construction industry, crane enthusiasts, or heavy equipment trading. Members often post listings for used equipment, and you can also inquire if someone knows of any available cranes for sale.
Please do not forget to ask for a professional inspection. Especially cranes can have very expensive issues. Contact us today for your crane or truck-crane inspection inquiry.

Where to find used trucks with cranes

Most websites for used trucks have an option to make a selection of features. Checking the box for “Truck with Crane” can help to find the right unit. In many cases you can select the location or area as well.

Allowed Swing Bearing Play on mobile and crawler cranes

How much tilting play is allowed in the slewing ring of a mobile or a crawler crane?

Ask three specialists and you will get three different answers. If you ask Liebherr, i.e. the people who would like to sell you a repair or a new slewing ring, you will get the statement that the tolerance limit would be reached at 0.9 mm tilting play. If you ask a mobile crane user in Eastern Europe or Africa, they will say anything under 5mm is fine.

Measuring Swing bearing play on a mobile crane
Gauge to measure horizontal tilting play in crane swing bearing

What does a crane inspector say about swing bearing play?

As inspectors of used cranes, what is our opinion on this? Since the tilting play in the slewing ring is sometimes 0.3 to 0.6 mm even on new cranes, we do not think it is necessary to criticize a slewing ring if it has less than 1.2 mm tilting play. To know exactly, you should also measure the slewing ring play over at least three or four sides. Experienced inspectors know exactly how the procedure must be carried out. It is particularly important that the crane is ballasted. When we inspect a used mobile crane, we typically only measure across one side. Only when there are doubts about the condition is it measured over several pages.

Why is it important to measure swing bearing play from time to time on a mobile crane?

Measuring swing bearing play on a mobile crane is crucial for several reasons, and it plays a significant role in ensuring the safe and efficient operation of the crane. Here are some key reasons why it’s important to regularly measure swing bearing play:

  1. Safety:
    • Excessive swing bearing play can compromise the stability and structural integrity of the crane, leading to potential accidents or tip-overs. Regular measurements help identify issues before they become critical, ensuring the safety of both operators and bystanders.
  2. Equipment Longevity:
    • Monitoring swing bearing play allows early detection of wear and tear. Addressing any play or movement issues promptly helps prevent further damage to the swing bearing and other related components, thus extending the overall lifespan of the crane.
  3. Operational Performance:
    • Properly functioning swing bearings are essential for smooth crane operation. Excessive play can lead to imprecise control and reduced accuracy during lifting and positioning tasks. Regular measurements help maintain optimal operational performance.
    • Imagine a crane has the boom extended to 80 or more meters and there is 5mm play on swing bearing. On getting load the tip would reduce height and angle of boom significantly.
  4. Preventive Maintenance:
    • Regularly checking swing bearing play is a part of preventive maintenance practices. Identifying and addressing potential problems early can prevent more extensive and costly repairs in the future, minimizing downtime and maximizing crane availability.
  5. Regulatory Compliance:
    • Many regulatory bodies and safety standards require periodic inspections and maintenance of crane components, including swing bearings. Regular measurements help ensure compliance with these regulations and standards, reducing the risk of legal and financial consequences.
  6. Cost Savings:
    • Proactive maintenance based on regular measurements can be more cost-effective than reactive repairs. Early identification and correction of swing bearing issues help avoid major breakdowns and the associated costs of emergency repairs and crane downtime.
  7. Reliability:
    • A crane with a well-maintained swing bearing is more reliable and less likely to experience unexpected failures. This reliability is crucial in construction and industrial settings where cranes play a vital role in various operations.

In summary, measuring swing bearing play on a mobile crane is essential for maintaining safety, extending equipment life, ensuring optimal performance, complying with regulations, and ultimately minimizing costs associated with repairs and downtime. Regular inspections and maintenance contribute to the overall reliability and efficiency of the crane in its operational environment.

How much does it cost to replace a worn slewing bearing?

Depending on size and lifting capacity of a crane or an excavator the swing bearing itself can easily cost above 8.000 Euro. Then you need all the pins to fix it on superstructure and chassis. That’s another 1.500 Euro at least. But with this cost the slew ring hasn’t been exchanged yet. Cranes are required to lift the superstructure. You need big tools to open and fit the pins with appropriate torque. All in all the replacing cost for a sllew ring will be in most cases far above 10.000 Euro.

For the reason of the big cost it is strongly recommended to measure the play if you are buying a crane or a larger excavator. Hire an expert to inspect a used crane and check out those details.

Inspeção de guindastes usados

Receba um relatório de inspeção antes de comprar um guindaste

Você está procurando um guindaste móvel usado? Há uma boa oferta, mas você não confia na palavra do vendedor? É bom saber que existe um serviço independente para fornecer inspeções. A MEVAS é uma rede de inspetores de guindastes e maquinários usados na Europa, guiada por uma administração alemã. Os técnicos são especialmente treinados para inspecionar guindastes usados e máquinas pesadas.

Durante uma inspeção de guindaste, um teste funcional é realizado para todas as funções principais. O inspetor tira fotos suficientes e faz um vídeo do guindaste em funcionamento. Um relatório detalhado é gerado durante o teste e a inspeção. Você pode avaliar a qualidade de um guindaste usado no conforto do seu escritório. Os engenheiros estão no local e avaliam o guindaste para você. Uma inspeção de guindaste MEVAS custa significativamente menos do que, por exemplo, substituir um pneu danificado ou vedar um cilindro telescópico com vazamento. Todas as inspeções são organizadas e controladas na Alemanha. Os inspetores estão disponíveis na Europa, nos Emirados Árabes Unidos e nos Estados Unidos. Você tem alguma pergunta? Quer saber quanto custa? Por favor, entre em contato conosco.

On our homepage you can find info about crane inspections in English. Es gibt Informationen zu Krangutachten in Deutsch. Se habla tambien el Español.

प्रयुक्त क्रेन के लिए एक निरीक्षण रिपोर्ट प्राप्त करें

क्या आप एक मोबाइल क्रेन की तलाश कर रहे हैं? सेकेंड हैंड मशीन मिली? खरीदने का निर्णय लेने से पहले, सत्यापन के लिए एक स्वतंत्र सेवा भेजना निश्चित रूप से बेहतर होगा। यूरोप में प्रयुक्त क्रेन निरीक्षकों का एक नेटवर्क है। एक जर्मन सेवा कई देशों में प्रयुक्त क्रेन निरीक्षण सेवा की पेशकश कर सकती है। तकनीशियनों को विशेष रूप से मोबाइल क्रेन और क्रॉलर क्रेन का निरीक्षण करने के लिए प्रशिक्षित किया जाता है। एक कार्यात्मक परीक्षण किया जाता है। निरीक्षक साइट पर क्रेन की तस्वीरें और वीडियो लेते हैं। निरीक्षण और जांच के दौरान एक विस्तृत रिपोर्ट तैयार की जाती है। आप अपने उपयोग किए गए क्रेन की गुणवत्ता का आकलन अपने घर के आराम से कर सकते हैं। इंजीनियर साइट पर हैं और आपके लिए क्रेन का आकलन करते हैं। उदाहरण के लिए, क्रेन का निरीक्षण करना क्षतिग्रस्त टायर या टेलिस्कोपिक सिलेंडर को बदलने की तुलना में काफी सस्ता है। सभी निरीक्षण और परीक्षण जर्मनी से आयोजित और नियंत्रित किए जाते हैं। निरीक्षक यूरोप, संयुक्त अरब अमीरात और संयुक्त राज्य अमेरिका में उपलब्ध हैं। हम लगातार क्रेन की जांच में लगे हुए हैं। हम इन निर्माताओं की मशीनों का निरीक्षण करते हैं Liebherr, Grove, Manitowoc, Terex, Demag, Tadano, Faun, PPT: क्या आपके कोई प्रश्न हैं? क्या आप जानना चाहते हैं कि इसकी कीमत कितनी है? कृपया हमसे संपर्क करें।

cần cẩu đã qua sử dụng từ Đức
मोबाइल क्रेन या क्रॉलर क्रेन का निरीक्षण

इससे कोई फर्क नहीं पड़ता कि आप सिर्फ यह जानना चाहते हैं कि क्या क्रेन अच्छी स्थिति में है या आपको अपने बैंक और वित्तपोषण के लिए निरीक्षण रिपोर्ट की आवश्यकता है: क्रेन के लिए हमारी प्रसिद्ध निरीक्षण रिपोर्ट स्थिति को लगातार दिखाती है। इसलिए यदि आप पुराने क्रेन में बहुत पैसा लगाते हैं, तो आप जानते हैं कि मशीन अच्छी स्थिति में है। हम चेसिस, केबल, विंच, हाइड्रोलिक सिलेंडर, इंजन, ब्रेक और गियर का निरीक्षण करते हैं। हमारे तकनीशियनों से कोई त्रुटि नहीं बचती।

यदि आप एक प्रयुक्त क्रेन की तलाश कर रहे हैं, तो आप इसे यहाँ आज़मा सकते हैं

Inspections for Used Cranes

Are you looking for a mobile crane? Found a second-hand machine? Before making a decision to buy, it would definitely be better to send an independent service for verification. There is a network of used crane inspectors in Europe. A German service can offer a used crane inspection service in many countries. Technicians are specially trained to inspect mobile cranes and crawler cranes. A functional test is carried out. The inspectors take photos and videos of the crane on site. A detailed report is prepared during the inspection and investigation. You can assess the quality of your used crane from the comfort of your own home. Engineers are on site and assess the crane for you. For example, inspecting a crane is significantly cheaper than a damaged tire or replacing a telescopic cylinder. All inspections and tests are organized and controlled from Germany. Inspectors are available in Europe, the United Arab Emirates and the United States. We are constantly busy inspecting cranes. We inspect machines from these manufacturers: Do you have any questions? Do you want to know how much it costs? Please contact us.

Một mạng lưới kiểm tra cần cẩu để kiểm tra trước khi mua hàng

Bạn đang tìm kiếm một cần cẩu di động? Bạn đã tìm thấy một máy? Trong trường hợp đó, chắc chắn sẽ tốt hơn nếu bạn tìm một dịch vụ độc lập để kiểm tra. Ở châu Âu có một mạng lưới các thanh tra cần cẩu đã qua sử dụng. Một ban quản lý của Đức có thể cung cấp dịch vụ kiểm tra cần cẩu đã qua sử dụng ở nhiều quốc gia. Các kỹ thuật viên được đào tạo đặc biệt để kiểm tra cần cẩu đã qua sử dụng. Một thử nghiệm chức năng được thực hiện. Thanh tra viên chụp ảnh và quay phim cần cẩu tại nơi làm việc đầy đủ. Trong quá trình kiểm tra và kiểm tra, một báo cáo chi tiết được chuẩn bị. Bằng cách này, bạn có thể đánh giá chất lượng của cần cẩu đã qua sử dụng một cách thoải mái ngay tại nhà mình. Các kỹ sư đang ở hiện trường và đánh giá cần cẩu cho bạn. Ví dụ, việc kiểm tra cần trục ít tốn kém hơn đáng kể so với việc lốp bị hỏng hoặc độ kín của xi lanh ống lồng. Tất cả các cuộc kiểm tra được tổ chức và kiểm soát từ Đức. Thanh tra có sẵn ở Châu Âu, Các Tiểu vương quốc Ả Rập Thống nhất và Hoa Kỳ. Bạn có câu hỏi nào không? Bạn có muốn biết nó có giá bao nhiêu không? Xin vui lòng liên hệ với chúng tôi.

cần cẩu đã qua sử dụng từ Đức
Cần cẩu đã qua sử dụng để bán

Bấm vào đây để xem video về kiểm định cần cẩu đã qua sử dụng

“Để đảm bảo an toàn và chất lượng của máy cần cẩu đã sử dụng, chúng tôi khuyên bạn nên gọi một chuyên gia kiểm tra nếu máy cần cẩu quá xa để bạn kiểm tra trực tiếp.”

Surveyor untuk crane, Inspektur di 25 negara

Apakah Anda sedang mencari mobile crane? Apakah Anda menemukan mesin? Maka akan baik untuk menemukan layanan independen untuk pemeriksaan. Ada jaringan inspektur derek bekas di Eropa. Manajemen Jerman dapat menawarkan inspeksi untuk derek bekas di banyak negara. Teknisi dilatih khusus untuk memeriksa derek bekas. Tes fungsi dilakukan. Inspektur mengambil cukup foto dan video derek sedang bekerja. Laporan terperinci ditulis selama pengujian dan inspeksi. Hal ini memungkinkan Anda menilai kualitas derek bekas dari kenyamanan rumah Anda sendiri. Insinyur ada di lokasi dan menilai derek untuk Anda. Biaya inspeksi derek jauh lebih murah daripada, misalnya, ban pecah atau penyegelan silinder teleskopik. Semua inspeksi diatur dan dikendalikan dari Jerman. Inspektur tersedia di Eropa, Uni Emirat Arab, dan Amerika Serikat. Apakah Anda memiliki pertanyaan? Apakah Anda ingin tahu berapa biayanya? Silahkan hubungi kami.

Some of those informations are available in other languages. Click Hindi in case you are from India. You can read some info in Vietnamese language. Even in Arabic we provide some info. You might be interested in reading info about crane inspections in Indonesian language. For visitors from China with interest in crane inspections we have another page.

المثمنون للرافعات في 25 دولة

هل تبحث حاليا عن رافعة متحركة؟ هل وجدت آلة؟ عندها سيكون من الجيد بالتأكيد العثور على خدمة مستقلة للتفتيش. هناك شبكة من مفتشي الرافعات المستعملة في أوروبا. يمكن للإدارة الألمانية أن تقدم عمليات تفتيش للرافعات المستعملة في العديد من البلدان. تم تدريب الفنيين بشكل خاص على فحص الرافعات المستعملة. يتم إجراء اختبار الوظيفة. يقوم المفتش بالتقاط صور كافية وفيديو للرافعة أثناء العمل. يتم كتابة تقرير مفصل أثناء الاختبار والتفتيش. يمكّنك هذا من تقييم جودة الرافعة المستعملة وأنت مرتاح في منزلك. يتواجد المهندسون في الموقع ويقومون بتقييم الرافعة نيابة عنك. تكلفة فحص الرافعة أقل بكثير ، على سبيل المثال ، من كسر الإطارات أو إغلاق الأسطوانة التلسكوبية. يتم تنظيم ومراقبة جميع عمليات التفتيش من ألمانيا. المفتشون موجودون في أوروبا والإمارات العربية المتحدة والولايات المتحدة. هل لديك أسئلة؟ هل تريد أن تعرف ما هي التكاليف؟ الرجاء التواصل معنا.

Some of those informations are available in other languages. Click Hindi in case you are from India. You can read some info in Vietnamese language. Even in Arabic we provide some info. You might be interested in reading info about crane inspections in Indonesian language. For visitors from China with interest in crane inspections we have another page.